15 research outputs found


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    This article will give an overview of the different methods of assessment and treatment currently used in the field of dyslexia with a special focus on genetic research. Based on the modification and extension of the multilevel model of Valtin (1989, modified by Witruk, 1993b), assessment and treatment methods will be discussed due to their primary objectives. These methods will be described regarding primary causes (biological risk factors), secondary causes (partial performance deficits), primary symptoms (reading and writing problems) and secondary symptoms (emotional and behavioural disorders). Keywords: Multilevel model of dyslexia, genetics, magnocellular deficit, partial performanc

    Dealing With Earthquake Disaster on Java 2006: A Comparison of Affected and Non-affected People

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    The study investigated affected and non-affected people in Indonesia after the earthquake and the volcanic eruption in May 2006. We expected belief in a just world (BJW) and coping styles to be important factors when dealing with natural disasters for disaster attribution and psychopathological symptoms. Overall, 80 affected and 66 non-affected people were asked in the survey about their BJW, coping style, earthquake attribution, and psychopathological symptoms. ANOVAs and path models were used to analyze the data. Results show that people with a strong BJW attribute the disaster as a consequence of human failure. Avoidance coping was correlated with both emotional disturbance and psychological affectedness whereas approach coping was not related to the assessed psychopathological symptoms. Differences in the structural relations for the affected group emerged when compared to the non- affected group. Studi ini meneliti masyarakat di Indonesia yang terdampak dan yang tak-terdampak setelah gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi pada Mei 2006. Kami mengharapkan keyakinan terhadap dunia yang adil (DYA) dan gaya koping (coping styles) merupakan factor-faktor penting ketika berhadapan dengan bencana alam terkait atribusi kebencanaan dan gejala psikopatologis. Sejumlah 80 masyarakat terdampak dan 66 tak-terdampak diwawancarai dalam survei tentang DYA, gaya koping, atribusi gempa bumi, dan gejala psikopatologisnya. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan model ANOVA dan jalur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dengan DYA kuat mengatribusikan bencana sebagai konsekuensi kegagalan manusia. Koping penghindaran berkorelasi dengan gangguan emosional dan akibat psikologis sedangkan koping pendekatan tidak berkorelasi dengan gejala psikopatologis yang dinilai. Perbedaan dalam hubungan struktural pada kelompok terdampak muncul bila dibandingkan terhadap kelompok yang tak-terdampak

    Effect of Islamic-based repentance therapy on the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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    This research is based on the tragedy of a road traffic accident that led to a student's death. Her classmates felt lost and experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of repentance and istighfar therapy to prevent PTSD. The research was based on a quasi-experimental design that consisted of six sessions in three meetings and homework for four weeks. The study participants were 14 students who experienced PTSD symptoms. They completed a scale before the intervention (pre-test), after completion of the intervention (post-test), and three weeks after the post-test. The paired sample test analysis results show that there were significant differences in the trauma scores pre-therapy and post-therapy. The effect size estimation results show that the effect of repentance and istighfar therapy was in the large effect size category; that is, 80.9% of the trauma variations could be explained (caused) by repentance therapy and istighfar. The research implies that such therapy can be predicted to be effective in reducing psychological disorders, as long as they are willing to be seriously involved in each stage of the therapy process that has been determined

    Effect of Islamic-based repentance therapy on the prevention of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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    This research is based on the tragedy of a road traffic accident that led to a student's death. Her classmates felt lost and experienced symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of repentance and istighfar therapy to prevent PTSD. The research was based on a quasi-experimental design that consisted of six sessions in three meetings and homework for four weeks. The study participants were 14 students who experienced PTSD symptoms. They completed a scale before the intervention (pre-test), after completion of the intervention (post-test), and three weeks after the post-test. The paired sample test analysis results show that there were significant differences in the trauma scores pre-therapy and post-therapy. The effect size estimation results show that the effect of repentance and istighfar therapy was in the large effect size category; that is, 80.9% of the trauma variations could be explained (caused) by repentance therapy and istighfar. The research implies that such therapy can be predicted to be effective in reducing psychological disorders, as long as they are willing to be seriously involved in each stage of the therapy process that has been determined

    Dealing With Earthquake Disaster on Java 2006: A Comparison of Affected and Non-affected People

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    The study investigated affected and non-affected people in Indonesia after the earthquake and the volcanic eruption in May 2006. We expected belief in a just world (BJW) and coping styles to be important factors when dealing with natural disasters for disaster attribution and psychopathological symptoms. Overall, 80 affected and 66 non-affected people were asked in the survey about their BJW, coping style, earthquake attribution, and psychopathological symptoms. ANOVAs and path models were used to analyze the data. Results show that people with a strong BJW attribute the disaster as a consequence of human failure. Avoidance coping was correlated with both emotional disturbance and psychological affectedness whereas approach coping was not related to the assessed psychopathological symptoms. Differences in the structural relations for the affected group emerged when compared to the non- affected group. Studi ini meneliti masyarakat di Indonesia yang terdampak dan yang tak-terdampak setelah gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi pada Mei 2006. Kami mengharapkan keyakinan terhadap dunia yang adil (DYA) dan gaya koping (coping styles) merupakan factor-faktor penting ketika berhadapan dengan bencana alam terkait atribusi kebencanaan dan gejala psikopatologis. Sejumlah 80 masyarakat terdampak dan 66 tak-terdampak diwawancarai dalam survei tentang DYA, gaya koping, atribusi gempa bumi, dan gejala psikopatologisnya. Untuk menganalisis data digunakan model ANOVA dan jalur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dengan DYA kuat mengatribusikan bencana sebagai konsekuensi kegagalan manusia. Koping penghindaran berkorelasi dengan gangguan emosional dan akibat psikologis sedangkan koping pendekatan tidak berkorelasi dengan gejala psikopatologis yang dinilai. Perbedaan dalam hubungan struktural pada kelompok terdampak muncul bila dibandingkan terhadap kelompok yang tak-terdampak

    Psychology in Education and Health- Proceedings of the II Leipzig-Évora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    This ebook contains several papers on the application applied psychology in education, health and well-being, personality,family interactions and emotional and epistemological development.The aim of this volume is to inform the scientific community on the research on Psychology mainly made at Évora and Leipzig Universities, but also in other contexts like Mexico or Brazil.FC

    Psychology in Education and Health - Proceedings of the III Leipzig-Evora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    The ebook contains several papers on the application of Psychology in the fields of education, Public health, Psychological disorders, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation child development, and social issues. The main areas of research and application in modern Psychology are here represented, like . Psychological disorders – New developments in intervention and assessment . Neuropsychological rehabilitation . Lifelong challenges in family and community . Early intervention in Portuguese speaking countries . Academic achievement and wellbeing . Challenging heterosexism and gender role culture in educational environments. The aim of this volume is to inform other scientists on the current developments of research on Psychology in the universities of Evora and Leipzig and the developments of research on such topics in different countries (Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Mozambique & S. Tomé Príncipe).FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Teachers’ intended classroom management strategies for students with ADHD: a cross-cultural study between South Korea and Germany

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    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate Korean and German teachers’ intentions of using classroom management strategies (CMS) for students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Participants and procedure Participants were 639 Korean and 317 German teachers. Disproportional stratified sampling was used. As a result, 264 Korean and 264 German matched teachers were obtained. Kos’s questionnaire was slightly modified. The survey instrument was distributed from September 2012 to December 2013. SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze the data. Results Korean teachers were more influenced by norms of colleagues and parents than German teachers were. Teachers in both countries have more favorable attitudes towards positive-oriented CMS compared to negative-oriented CMS, and perceived themselves as being able to control all CMS in the classroom. The TRA proved to better predict both Korean and German teachers’ intentions of using CMS compared to the TPB. Conclusions This study is an important step towards understanding teachers’ CMS in the cultural context of Korea and Germany. The findings of this study will be an essential resource to develop an ADHD management manual based on theoretical and cultural perspectives, so that teachers in both countries are prepared for students with ADHD in their classroom, rather than give up on them

    A comparative self-assessment of difficulty in learning English and German among Sudanese students

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    It is generally assumed that self-assessment plays a profound role in autonomous language learning and, accordingly, leads to learner independency. It encourages learners to prospect their own language learning processes and provides them with feedback of their learning progress. Self-assessment also raises the awareness of learners’ individual needs among both students and teachers alike and will therefore contribute to the development of the whole learning process